This is a hand which makes me mad about Lia's bidding. Usually, West will open 1♦. Most North players would intervene with 1♥. That sounds reasonable. East will bid 2♣. Now, South cannot do more than bid 3♥. Lia on West will now jump to 3NT, which make.
Could you do better? There is the LAW which would allow N/S to bid 4♥ because of the the 10 cards in hearts. There are prerequisites, however. You need the minority of points, values in your suit, and not be in unfavorable vulnerability. The latter is not the case here. Going down doubled will yield a bad result.
However, I would much rather prefer North to bid 2♥. Dampening the LAW by one trick allows South to overcall the expected 3♣ with 3♥. Now, West might have a hard time to decide what to do. The best choice is to double and defend for two down. But 4♣ might also be an option which is inferior to the easy 3NT contract.
By the way, the correct lead by North is the ♥K, not a small heart as Lia did.
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