I have been contemplating about the problems of the weak 1NT opening lately. The experts seem to vote for a strong 1NT with their feet. It is played almost everywhere. The Acol people defend it for its preemptive values. Moreover, it is said to be more difficult to defend against too. I don't know.
On Into Bridge, what actually happens more often than I like is the problem above. Some way or another the opponents get into playing 2 in some major suit and go down once if the hand is opened in the minors. 1NT makes, but that's not good enough to compete against one down in vulnerable. Unfortunately, this is no exceptional incident, but a product from the current aggressive style of interventions.
One table made 2♠, which is good for N/S, but most failed. You need to make an overtrick in 1NT to compete. I didn't. Opening the minor is simply better in this type of flat distribution. If partner can support the suit, opponents have to go to the 2-level and fail. If partner can't, he will say 1NT, which are overcalled on the 2-level again.
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