IntoBridge has restarted with season VII, me ending as ♦A. That's not too bad for an aging club player after 40 years of Bridge hiatus.
The hand above happened against Lia. In contrast to the robot, I stopped in 4♥. The hand has one unavoidable trump loser. So chances are 50-50 at best. After seeing the ♠A with North, I still need the ♠K and one of the minor kings. This is possible, so maybe the slam is a good try.
But the hand is interesting because 6♥ can actually be made after any lead. Can you figure it out?
I couldn't. My lead was a diamond. The trick is to cash the top trumps and playing for an overruff with the ♥10. For this to work, you need reduce to this situation.
Then play a club from the table. This reduction is possible in different ways which you can manage to find once you have the idea. Note that you can safely play the ♣Q at some point, because you get all tricks if West ruffs.
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