Working to advance in the new session, I met this hand. I was the only one ging for 6NT. Almost all played in 6♦, some making some not. Usually, with a solid suit, 6NT make just as well. Sometimes, the suit contract is even impossible due to a ruff.
In fact, the contract can always been made, if South plays. My lead was a small heart which yields 11 tricks with one more to develop in spades by guessing. My idea was that the ♣A was with East, because West would have attacked with it against the 6NT slam. This is, of course, not a sure bet. The ♥K is clearly with West. This leaves neither side to hold enough spades and the ♠Q should drop. So I reduced the hand to the following situation ending in South.
As the discards developed, I fancied that West has the it. This is unfortunate if East now controls the spades. But he didn't. Diamonds is way better, because you can try both 50-50 chances in clubs and spades.The bidding was, by the way, in Acol. On the other table, the bidding to 6♦ was
After the minor transfer, 4♣ is alerted as "shortness, slam try".
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