This hand is from the "Daily Challenge" against Luc Bellicaud. He the brain behind Lia, the robot at the table. His bidding is more carefully than mine, keeping an eye on a possible grand slam in the minors, or even in hearts. I bid 6NT right after 2♥.
The lead on my table was a diamond, which makes it impossible to beat the contract, because you can develop the heart suit. On his table, the robot led a small spade, taken with the Ace in the hand. Your only chance is to play the Queen and hope for the best. East took the King and then made the terrible blunder to return a spade. This yields the missing trick.
This hand is another example where the expert bid more carefully than me. This is to be expected, because he programmed the robot.
The 4♦ bid is explained as a control bid indicating missing controls in spades and clubs. So, we know that the ♠K is missing, which is not a good sign if the suit is attacked. We also know that clubs are not singleton which reduces the chances for a spade discard on ♣AKQ. 4NT is Keycard Blackwood, and the answer shows the missing trump king and the ♦A. 5NT is forcing and trying to find extra key cards for a grand slam. 6♦ then shows the ♦K. The chances for a discard of the spade loser are now quite high, and consequently a grand slam is likely. But you can still leave that decision to the partner who gladly accepts this and bids 7♠.
This is all nice and clean. But in my book, 7NT will make just as well, because there nothing in the hand that I would like to ruff at the table. I cannot see any case where the trump would help to establish a missing 13th trick.
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