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Today against Peter Hollands

This is the bidding at Pete's table. The double by South is justified by the holdings in the two other suits, although 8 points are marginal. Should partner repeat his hearts, we are also okay. The 2♠ of West are a cue-bid because we are known to hold the spades. 3♠ is a brave response by North. 

3NT went down 1 after a spade lead. The other winning lead is the ♣Q, of course. 

I doubled also, but the bidding went differently.

Lia in the North did not show his spade support, but instead doubled. I don't know why the bidding is not the same. Hollands is playing 2/1 with Lia too, as far as I know. But now the opponents landed in 3, and I am too weak to double once more. That contract can be made with an overtrick, but Lia only made it.

A look at other tables is interesting. Most did not double 2. The opponents landed in 3NT and made it, because most did not attack spades. Instead, a heart lead to the suit bid by North, fails.

I lost the second hand too.

Here, I opted to say 3 where Pete passed. In fact, 4 can be made. But I am ashamed to say that I went down, because I guessed wrong in diamonds. To make an overtrick, you need a superhuman instinct and start by ruffing clubs in the hand to reduce the length. Or maybe, you just need expert experience.

3♣ also went down twice, yielding a second loss.

The third hand was a draw, but the next one was for me.

I won this hand by bidding to 4♠. Pete simply overbid 1♠ which ended in 2♠. I considered the hand worth the double and revival procedure, because I count it as 18 points with length. Moreover, most points are in spades.

The next one was also won.

This one is interesting, because Lia played it differently on both tables after the same bidding. A ♥ lead is the only way to beat the contract. On Pete's table, Lia on North leads the 5. On my table, it led the 7. This makes a difference, because on Pete's table West stayed small, probably giving the Jack to North. South wins. Now, it is very difficult to return the K which is now the only way to beat the contract twice.

On my table, Lia took the A, then cashed the ♠A and played another heart, which gave me a ruff, because I can transfer to North in diamonds. 

I am always very happy to accomplish a draw against those expert players. Sometimes I even beat one. That makes me proud and saves my day.
