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Time to Leave Into Bridge?

Maybe, I should have doubled and continued with 2♠ in this hand. But that is not the point. Assume as East partner leads the 7. What would you do? I'd try to return a small diamond for a ruff, indicating my club entry, cash two club tricks and give West another ruff. Lia did not do this. Instead, it cashed two club tricks and continued with a 5.

I find more and more deviations from optimal play in this robot. We do not know what Lia thinks or how it imagines that hand. Could be that it imagines West with Jxx in diamonds, and thinks that it must cash tricks or they vanish on the diamonds. South would have a double in this case and could finesse out the Jack. But this is a bit far fetched, isn't it?

Here is another mysterious hand. I admit that I should have opened it with 2♣. But even after my inferior 4♠, I am very sure that any human player as North would raise to the slam.
