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Four Hearts Opening?

I find it surprising that someone programs a robot to open 4 with this hand. We do not have the minority of points. The LAW does not support this bid. You can expect two trumps on average, adding to 9 trumps. The LAW suggests defending up to 3. Moreover, your side might have almost game values. But you can argue that slam is very unlikely after partner's pass. And you expect to go down at most three times, most likely undoubled.

We can analyze the hand using my Bridge replay. In fact, N/S is unlikely to make 4, and will go down 2 most of the time, while E/W is likely to make 2♠ to 3♠. Not the best bet. Certainly, 4 is a preemptive bid which keeps E/W from bidding at all. But 1 is just as good planning to raise to 3 later. Even experienced E/W partnerships will have no scientific way to find the correct level in spades or a penalty double.

Another interesting point is the failure of West to see the chance to promote the Q, after cashing four tricks in spades and in diamonds. I did not expect Lia to miss this opportunity.
